Sunday, April 3, 2011

If Only I Had Courage, Part 2

There are many books and teachings that stress the importance of living in the present moment and keeping your focus in 'the now.' But this robs you of the richness of memory and imagination that can be harvested. The Wizard of Oz is an excellent example of this. Throughout the story, Dorothy focuses her attention on seeing the Wizard of Oz and this keeps the momentum of the story moving forward in time.

Your mind has the remarkable ability to transcend time and 'the now' is just one point in an unlimited spectrum of time, a continuum that stretches forward and back. Using the mind and imagination to creatively play in future time is one of the healthiest and most enjoyable activities you can participate in physiologically, psychologically, and spiritually.

An excerpt from Returning to the Land of Oz by John Tamiazzo, PhD available at,, and

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